Thursday, August 15, 2019

Employment Rights and Responsabilities Essay

1.1 The aspects of employment covered by law are: health and safety(1974), disability discrimination act(1995 amended in 2005), the day care and child minding regulations(2003), Data protection act, sex discrimination act(1975 amended in 1986), the race relations act (1976 amended 2000 and regulations 2003), equal pay act(1970,1983,2010), working time directive and working time regulations (1998), national minimum wage act(1998) and the employments rights act (as amended by the employment regulations act (1999 and he employment act 2002 and 2008). 1.2 HEALTH AND SAFETY (1974): It is your employer’s duty to make sure that you are protected from any risks and dangers which could occur in your work place. DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT(1995,2005): Provides legal rights for disabled people in areas such as employment and education. THE DAYCARE AND CHILDMINDING REGULATIONS(2003): They set down minimum standards covering a number of areas. Registered providers have to meet ratios of adults to children. DATA PROTECTION ACT (1998): Protects the personal information that organisations hold about people the information must be correct, must not be used for any other reason except the reason it was collected for, must not be passed on without permission and must not be kept for longer than necessary SEX DISCRIMINATION ACT (1975,1986): Employer must not treat men and women differently if they can not show a good reason for doing so. THE RACE RELATIONS ACT (1976,200,2003): Makes it unlawful for anyone to discriminate against anyone else because of race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin. EQUAL PAY ACT(1970,1983,2010): The right to same pay and conditions of employment as some one of the opposite sex where you’re doing the same work. WORKING TIME DIRECTIVE AND WORKING TIMES REGULATIONS (1998): Covers legal hours you can work minimum daily rests and paid annual leave. NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE ACT (1998): Minimum amount per hour most workers in the uk are entitled to be paid. THE EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT(1996,1999,2002,2008): This is a large law that covers many of the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees including; contracts of employment, right to itemised pay statement, right to time off work, right to time off work for sickness, maternity rights, termination of employment, unfair dismissal and redundancy rights. 1.3 Legislation relating to employment exists to protect you at work; they also protect your colleagues, the children and their parents. These laws also tell you what you are expected to do and how you should behave at work. 1.4 ACAS (Advisory conciliation and arbitration service) is for both employees and employers who are involved in an employment dispute or are seeking information on employment rights and rules. OFSTED Inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. They inspect to judge the quality and standards of care. CITIZENS ADVICE help with all aspects of employment rights and can help get further information regarding employment rights and responsibilities. WWW.DIRECT.GOV.UK/PAYANDWORKRIGHTS TASK 2 2.1 The terms and conditions which are covered in my contract are: my job title(nursery nurse), hours of work(30 per week between 6am and 6pm), holiday, absence due to sickness or injury(must inform manager at least 2 hours before shift starts), sick pay, notice of termination of employment (1 months’ notice in writing), grievance procedure, company rules and the disciplinary procedure. 2.2 The information that is shown on my pay slip is: my name and address so I know it is my pay slip, my national insurance number so I know im paying national insurance for me and no one else, my tax codeso I know how much tax I should be paying, rate of pay how much I earn an hour , pay period so I know how many weeks pay I should get, pay date when I get paid, payment method how I get paid, national insurance table letter, company’s name so I know who is paying me, net pay, weekly amount of pay-how much I earnt each week. Year to date; taxable gross pay, income tax, employee national insurance contribution and employer national insurance contribution. 2.3 It is important for the company and all employees that any grievance is brought to light quickly and dealt with expeditiously. If any time you have a grievance which cannot be cleared informally you should raise it formally either verbally or in writing with your immediate supervisor. 2.4 The personal information which must be kept up to date with my employer are my contact number, my address, bank details in which I wish my pay to be sent to and any relevant health information which may affect my job roll. 2.5 The agreed ways of working are to always be polite and profesional, to follow policies and procedures corectly to make everyone feel welcome and happy to be at nursery to provide a save,warm,loving and happy environment for the childeren,to be respectfull of other peoples religion, background and personal choices. TASK 3 3.1 I make sure that the children are provided with the highest quality of care, that they are supported in their intellectual social and emotional needs by making sure there are appropriate activities for them that are not too easy or hard for them,helping them to make friends and socialise with other children of the same age by encouraging them to play together and setting out group activities, I have made strong positive relationships with the children and their parents and make them feel welcome and happy to be at our nursery.I also make sure that each individual child which I work with have age appropriate play available eg, the younger children whom are learning to walk have walkers available at all times the pre school children have more difficult puzzles to do so it encourages them to solve problems and think about what they are doing where as the toddlers will have easier jigsaw puzzles as it is to hard for them to do , I make learning the colours and alphabet fun by combini ng it with play we have a counting game which the children enjoy, I also use colour and number throughout the day e.g, at lunch time as im handing out the plates I will ask the children â€Å"what colour plate have you got†or during an activity using building blocks I may ask â€Å"how many green blocks are there† , we do a lot of messy and creative activities we do alot of messy play because messy play involves children using all their senses in the process of exploration, especially the sense of touch, offers the opportunity to mould and manipulate materials and not having a focus on making/producing something 3.2 The positive relationships which I have made with the children makes their parents feel reassured that their child is well looked after and happy when they leave them with us which reflects on other parents and they are more likely to recommend our nursery to others due to the high quality of care delivered by staff. i work very well individualy or as part of a team, im creative,profesional and follow good practice. 3.3 My job fits in with the wider sector because we help to teach the children things to help them be independent and prepare them for school by teaching them basic things like their colours, alphabet and how to write their name . Also we spend 5 days a week with the majority of the children in our nursery there for if anything is wrong with them we can usually tell straight away i.e. unusual behaviour, bruises etc. we have to pass that information on to our supervisor whom will then decide if it needs to be taken further. Or if the social services have to intervene with a family we will work alongside them to support the individual child as much as we possibly can. 3.4 A professional body is usually a nonprofit organization seeking to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession, and the public interest. A profesional body is group of people in a learned occupation who are trusted with maintaining control or oversight of the practice of the occupation also a body acting to safeguard the public interest professional bodies act to protect the public by maintaining and enforcing standards of training and ethics in their profession, they often also act like a trade unio n for the members of the profession. TASK 4 4.1 After compleing the level 3 qualification you can go on to further your education by doing a level 4 nvq or going to university and doing a foundation degree. You can have a job as a nursery manager , teacher, teaching assistant, a hospital play therapist a job in social work or health work. 4.2 There are a number of organisations that can help you find out more about higher qualifications these include, the early years nto, CACHE, EDEXECL,LCCIEB, city and guilds, universitys, connexions, local early years development and child care partnerships. 4.3 After achieving my level 3 I Intend to follow on to study at university and become a primary school teacher. TASK 5 5.1 Concerns have been raised regarding the misuse of mobile phones with in the sector, where photographs have been taken of children and used in inappropriate ways. 5.2 Some people think that mobile phones should not be used so things like this can not happen again, where as other people think that mobiles should be allowed incase of emergencis. Some people don’t like men to work in nurseries oor only wish for female staff to change their childs nappy this can be seen as discrimination against male workers. 5.3 The public concern regarding the miss use of mobile phones has made the public more cautious about the people whom are looking after their child, and they may feel tht stricter guid lines and checks should be put in place to protect children. 5.4 In our work place we are not allowed our phones in the rooms with the children they must be put in our lockers or in our bags in the office.If we are found to have our phones on us then we are dismissed instantly, the only exeptions are if were on a nursery trip and need to contact other staff, management or in an emergency even then we are not to use our mobiles for personal use when on trips and there is a after school club mobile which must stay on at all times and is only used to contact afterschool club perents and dos not have a camera on it.

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