Thursday, October 31, 2019

Religion in the Education System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Religion in the Education System - Essay Example Before one can establish whether or not religion is a beneficial or a corrosive element in primary and secondary education, one must first define both what religion and education consist of. One can define â€Å"religion† as a set of beliefs and practices, or as a more holistic response to the events of one’s life. One can define â€Å"education† as the inculcation of information from the topics set by the National Curriculum, or as a more general preparation for the rigors of adult life. Because this paper addresses religion in general, as opposed to one particular faith, such as Anglicanism or Islam, religion will be viewed as the human response to the events of life. Based on what happens in life, one may choose to follow the Judeo-Christian God, or Allah, or Buddha, or to follow no particular deity at all. Education will be viewed in a more holistic sense as well – the role that schools play in taking Britain’s children and molding them into adults. It will become clear, after a review of relevant literature, that there is not one mixture of religion in education that works for every student. The multiplicity of educational choices has arisen from a multiplicity of personalities, collective life experiences, and individual responses. The Muslim educational experience in Great Britain is particularly demonstrative of this need for variety in educational choices. In the first half of 2005, the Imam Muhammad Zakariya School for Girls in Dundee received its second consecutive poor report on academics (Saeed, 2005). While Ibrahim Hewitt (2005) makes a strong case that the British government should establish and support schools run according to the Muslim philosophy of education, and that only a "complete Islamic education as delivered in a well-resourced Muslim school" will give Muslim students the "spiritual, moral, cultural, mental, and physical development of pupils" (Education Reform Act 1988) required by law, the results of the Zakariya school are troubling. However, Osama Saeed, of the Muslim Association of Britain, points to the results of Feversham College in Bradford, a Muslim school that finished at the top of the "Value Added" ranks in the same period that the Zakariya school finished so poorly (Saeed, 2005). He argues that a Muslim education will help to combat the "lack of values currently within the non-denominational sector" and that even non-Muslim parents would want their children to have the opportunity to attend Muslim schools to avoid the corrosive effects of this "selfish, consumer-driven world" (2005). Hewitt is similarly frustrated with an education system which, in his view, "largely regards religion as a nuisance best ignored" (2005). While there are some who would argue that such a parochial approach to education would intellectually shortchange students, Hewitt responds with the example of the Ennerdale and Kinniside Primary School, which is a parochial Church of England school, but which received a gold star from the educational inspectors (2005). Hewitt argues further that a parochial education more closely mirrors real life - at home, he says, children celebrate only one winter holiday - but at school, they often observe all three of the major celebrations. Hewitt also points out that the removal of religion from the classroom, is not a neutral position, but is just another choice (2005). For those who would argue that the removal of religion from the classroom would create a neutral environment, this is an important corrective - agnosticism or atheism is a religious choice. The Muslim and Anglican schools are not the only parochial environments that have produced successful students. A report in June 2005 showed that standards of academic achievement at Stage 4 in Catholic schools exceed national norms, and that Catholic schools are particularly effective at helping socially disadvantaged students who come in from the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Crisis Management Communication Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Crisis Management Communication - Case Study Example Timothy Coombs developed a three-phase situational crisis communication theory that has been adopted by organizations to handle the crisis. According to this model, communication during a crisis takes three steps which include the pre-crisis communication approach, crisis management communication and post crisis approaches. In 2010, British Petroleum (BP) experienced one of the major crisis to affect the company when one of its offshore drilling sites leaked, leading to a major spill in the gulf of Mexico. This spillage led to the loss of 11 lives and the loss of millions of gallons of crude oil from the drilling reservoir (Coombs & Holladay, 2001). The spillage affected the reputation of the company as it was exposed to major media scrutiny as their mitigation approaches were under scrutiny. However, with the help of the United States government, the oil spill was contained and the company compensated those who lost their lives in the crisis. In this paper, Coombs situational communication model during the crisis will be used to evaluate the approaches that were adopted during the crisis. The organization’s ability to prepare for the crisis and address the concerns during the crisis will be addressed. At the end of the crisis, the company was left with a tainted image from massive media scrutiny making post-crisis communication approaches essential to determine how the company regained its image (Wolf & Merji, 2013). Pre-crisis communication is an anticipatory approach adopted by organizations to prepare for how to handle the pressures of a crisis and how the crisis may expose them in a bad light. During this phase, early signs of a crisis are evaluated and the company makes frantic efforts to address them and ensure that any challenges that may arise are addressed promptly. Before the BP oil crisis, a breach of cement seals at the bottoms of the wells was noted.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Up-Gradient Particle Flux driven by Flow-to-Fluctuation

Up-Gradient Particle Flux driven by Flow-to-Fluctuation Up-Gradient Particle Flux driven by Nonlinear Flow-to-Fluctuation Energy Transfer in a cylindrical plasma device Lang Cui Chapter 1 Introduction and Background 1.1 Fusion 1.1.1 Fusion reaction Nuclear fusion is one of the most promising options for generating large amounts of carbon-free energy in the future. Fusion is the process that heats the Sun and all other stars, where atomic nuclei collide together and release energy. To get energy from fusion, gas from a combination of types of hydrogen – deuterium and tritium – is heated to very high temperatures (100 million degrees Celsius). Controlled fusion may be an attractive future energy options. There are several types of fusion reactions. Most involve the isotopes of hydrogen called deuterium and tritium [1]: So far most promising method for fusion achievement is considered to through reaction by Eqn. (1.3) due to the fact that this reaction needs least energy and has largest nuclear cross section. As shown in Figure 1.1, every fusion reaction can provide 17.6 MeV nuclear energy of which 3.5 MeV is carried by ÃŽ ± particles (helium nuclei) and the rest is carried by the neutron. Since both deuterium and tritium nuclei are carrying positive charges, we need to heat deuterium and tritium to a sufficiently high temperature (~ 10 keV) in order that thermal velocities of nuclei are high enough to overcome the Coulomb repulsion force to produce the fusion reaction. In fact, fusion reaction whether or not can be realized is given by the famous Lawson criterion [2]: is the ion density, showing how good the particles are confined; is the energy confinement time, measuring the rate of the system loses energy to the environment. There also exists a minimum value of the energy confinement time defined as ratio of the total energy of the plasma to power loss []: Figure 1‑1 the schematic of deuterium-tritium fusion reaction 1.1.2 Magnetic Confinement There are two ways to achieve the temperatures and pressures necessary for hydrogen fusion to take place: Magnetic confinement uses magnetic and electric fields to heat and squeeze the hydrogen plasma. The most promising device for this is the ‘tokamak, a Russian word for a ring-shaped magnetic chamber. The ITER project in France is using this method. Inertial confinement uses laser beams or ion beams to squeeze and heat the hydrogen plasma. Scientists are studying this experimental approach at the National Ignition Facility of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in the United States. Moreover, it is practically impossible to attain in the laboratory density levels near the ones in the star-centers. It is more feasible for controlled fusion purposes to work at low gas densities and increase the temperature to values considerably higher than that in the center of the sun. At these high temperatures all matter is in the plasma state, consists of a gas of charged particles that experience electromagnetic interactions and can be confined by a magnetic field of appropriate geometry. As shown in Figure 1.2, the motion of electrically charged particles is constrained by a magnetic field. When a uniform magnetic field is applied the charged particles will follow spiral paths encircling the magnetic lines of force. The motion of the particles across the magnetic field lines is restricted and so is the access to the walls of the container.[] Figure 1‑2 When a single charged particle subject to a force is presented in an externally imposed magnetic field, the charged particle (ion/electron) will gyrate around the magnetic field lines. At the position of the guiding center, the charged particle will drift with a velocity which can be calculated from the fluid momentum equation, . The force can be due to an electric field ( drift), gravitational field, curvature drift ( drift) .etc. when there is a collection of charged particles, the force can also be a mean pressure gradient which can lead the particles to a diamagnetic drift with . The diamagnetic drift depends to the sign of the charge the particles carried, thus we expect to find a diamagnetic current in azimuthal direction and opposing the original magnetic field. 1.2 Drift wave turbulence and transport 1.2.1 Overview of Drift wave turbulence It is known that drift waves result from the interaction between the dynamics perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field due to the combined effects of spatial gradients, ion inertia, and electron parallel motion. Here â€Å"drift† refers to the diamagnetic drifts (perpendicular to both density gradient and magnetic field) due to dominant pressure gradient with a small finite and . Derivation of drift wave dispersion relation can be found in many text books and review papers [1-3]. The experimental work performed in this dissertation was considered cool collisional plasma. An assumption is often made that , where is the drift wave frequency, and are the ion and electron thermal speed separately. Since drift waves have finite , electrons can move along magnetic field lines establishing a thermodynamic equilibrium among themselves. While the ion motions can be neglected. As a result, Landan damping is negligible. In absent of resonant particles, phase velocity distributions may reach to a fluid description of electrons and ions. We may apply the 2D fluid model to describe the system. Accounting for the fast gyromotion along magnetic field of the electrons for density and velocity , we have where is the electron pressure and denotes the direction parallel to magnetic field. By taking the limit and, a plane wave solution of the potential, we can then obtain the Boltzmann relation for electrons: where and are the equilibrium electron density and temperature, . The schematics showing the physical mechanism of an electron drift wave can be seen in Figure 1.3. where the density perturbation is positive, the potential perturbation is positive. Similarly, where the density perturbation is negative, the potential perturbation is negative. The resulting electric field will cause a drift in the x direction. Since there is a gradient in the x direction, the drift will bring plasma of different density to a fixed point. Along with the quasi-neutrality condition, we can find the drift wave dispersion: We notice that the drift waves travel with the electron diamagnetic drift velocity. Here the density and potential perturbations are in phase with a zero growth rate. Thus the plasma is stable. Figure 1‑3 Physical mechanism of a drift wave The fundamental property of electrostatic plasma turbulence is the drift wave frequency range in the absence of dissipation is often described by the Hasegawa-Mima Equations [4-6]. However, most experimental plasma condition is collisional like ours. Thus we are introducing a collisional drift-wave model described by Hasegawa-Wakatani equations, which derived from the same density continuity equation and electron momentum equation, but includes the electron parallel dissipation and the modifications of ion-neutral drag [4,7]. In a cylindrical geometry such as our machine, this model is written as two coupled dimensionless equations: where = is the â€Å"adiabatic parameter† and is the normalized ion viscosity. We note here the density is normalized with , the potential with , time with , distance with , gyroradius. Here is the wavenumber parallel to magnetic field, is the electron collision frequency. Typically, the plasma is characterized by the ratio between the spatial scale of the collective modes () and the scale of the plasma (). HW model introduces the two main components to describe a weak drift wave turbulence system: linear instability driving mechanism and nonlinear damping for turbulence saturation. For , parallel collisions are negligible thus the drift waves are linearly stable. Eqn. (1.11) and (1.12) will be reduced to the Hasegawa-Mima model: For , this model goes to the hydrodynamic limit and reduces to the 2D Euler fluid equations. Our experiments condition is satisfied with . In the presence of dissipation of the parallel electron motion (electrons can lose momentum to the background plasma as they move parallel to the magnetic field), the corresponding dissipation will cause a finite phase shift between density and potential fluctuations. As a result of the phase shift, the Boltzmann relation is no longer valid with : Here the phase shift is the key for instability. The dispersion relation becomes: where and . By solving for , we obtain As we can see from Eqn. (1.16), the growth rate is always positive for a limited range of wavenumbers. This can be also understood from Fig. 1-3 that the phase shift causes drift velocity outwards where the plasma is already shifted outward. Hence the perturbation grows. The dissipation of parallel electron motion can occur via several different processes such as wave-particle interactions and electron-ion Coulomb collisions. 1.2.2 Particle transport The energy losses observed in magnetic confinement devices are much greater than predicted by neoclassical transport theory and usually attributed to the presence of small-scale plasma turbulence. It is well known that spatial gradients in the plasma lead to collective modes called drift waves, which have wave numbers in the range of the observed density fluctuations. Drift waves in magnetized plasmas can produce various transports such as particle transport, momentum transport and kinetic energy transport. The magnetized plasma will convect around the maximum and minimum of density variations. [1]F.F.Chen, Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion Second edition Volume 1: Plasma (Plenum Press, New York, 1984), second edn., Vol. 1. [2]R. H. L. Hans R. Griem, Methods of Experimental Physics, Part A (Academic Press, New York and London, 1970). [3]F. F. Chen, Phys Fluids 8, 1323 (1965). [4]P. H. Diamond, A. Hasegawa, and K. Mima, Plasma Phys Contr F 53 (2011). [5]K. Mima and A. Hasegawa, Phys Fluids 21, 81 (1978). [6]Z. Yan, University of California, San Diego, 2008. [7]N. A. Gondarenko and P. N. Guzdar, Geophys Res Lett 26, 3345 (1999).

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Confederate Flag’s Heritage of Hate Essay -- Confederate Flag Sout

The Confederate Flag’s Heritage of Hate The Confederate flag has now become a hot issue for South Carolina, which is the last state to have the original Confederate flag still flying on its Statehouse. What got the State’s attention was the economic boycott of South Carolina that was announced on January 1992 by the NAACP to pressure the State to remove the Confederate flag off of its Statehouse in Columbia. The NAACP’s removal request is based on the fact that they, the anti-flag groups, claim that the meaning of the Confederate flag is one of hate and discrimination. On the other hand, there are other groups that believe differently whom are called the pro-flag groups. They claim that the Confederate flag is a sign of heritage and should stay on the Statehouse. The Civil War being about slavery is one of the first things addressed in both sides of the debate. Also a big part of the debate is the Confederate flag’s connection with racism. The Confederate flag’s connection with slavery a nd racial inequality makes it a negative symbol, which should not be flying on South Carolina’s Statehouse. Pro-flag groups claim that slavery was only a small issue in the Civil War, but if slavery was allowed to continue then there would not have been a Civil War. This quote out of a pro-flag article shows what Lincoln said about the idea of freeing slaves. I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.† In an 1862 letter to the New York Daily Tribune editor Horace Greeley, Lincoln wrote. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to sa... ... have to go to see it not somewhere were people have to see it. Work Cited Eric Foner. â€Å"Rebel Yell.† The Nation. 270.6 (February 14, 2000): 4. James F. Barker. â€Å"Clemson History Offers Perspective for Flag Debate.† The State. December 3, 2000. Stuart Taylor Jr. â€Å"The Confederate Flag and the Cost of Pandering.† National Journal. 32.4 (January 22, 2000): 215. Walter E. Williams. No: â€Å"Critics of the flag are Counting on a General Ignorance of History to Make Their Case.† Symposium. March 14, 2001. Quick, Steven. â€Å"Lynching Lee† The Opinions. 2/27/2001 Amy. â€Å"Even more on the confederate Flag vs. the â€Å"Xian† usage debates.† February 02,2000 wysiwyg://4 The Confederate Flag’s Heritage of Hate Essay -- Confederate Flag Sout The Confederate Flag’s Heritage of Hate The Confederate flag has now become a hot issue for South Carolina, which is the last state to have the original Confederate flag still flying on its Statehouse. What got the State’s attention was the economic boycott of South Carolina that was announced on January 1992 by the NAACP to pressure the State to remove the Confederate flag off of its Statehouse in Columbia. The NAACP’s removal request is based on the fact that they, the anti-flag groups, claim that the meaning of the Confederate flag is one of hate and discrimination. On the other hand, there are other groups that believe differently whom are called the pro-flag groups. They claim that the Confederate flag is a sign of heritage and should stay on the Statehouse. The Civil War being about slavery is one of the first things addressed in both sides of the debate. Also a big part of the debate is the Confederate flag’s connection with racism. The Confederate flag’s connection with slavery a nd racial inequality makes it a negative symbol, which should not be flying on South Carolina’s Statehouse. Pro-flag groups claim that slavery was only a small issue in the Civil War, but if slavery was allowed to continue then there would not have been a Civil War. This quote out of a pro-flag article shows what Lincoln said about the idea of freeing slaves. I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.† In an 1862 letter to the New York Daily Tribune editor Horace Greeley, Lincoln wrote. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to sa... ... have to go to see it not somewhere were people have to see it. Work Cited Eric Foner. â€Å"Rebel Yell.† The Nation. 270.6 (February 14, 2000): 4. James F. Barker. â€Å"Clemson History Offers Perspective for Flag Debate.† The State. December 3, 2000. Stuart Taylor Jr. â€Å"The Confederate Flag and the Cost of Pandering.† National Journal. 32.4 (January 22, 2000): 215. Walter E. Williams. No: â€Å"Critics of the flag are Counting on a General Ignorance of History to Make Their Case.† Symposium. March 14, 2001. Quick, Steven. â€Å"Lynching Lee† The Opinions. 2/27/2001 Amy. â€Å"Even more on the confederate Flag vs. the â€Å"Xian† usage debates.† February 02,2000 wysiwyg://4

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Police Brutality Essay

Philadelphia is located in New Jersey on the eastern sea board of the United States. This makes it an ideal location for immigrants from Nigeria to choose as an entry point into the US. This inflows has led to an over stretch in the social amenities. In so far as Nigerians perform the jobs Americans do not want, the fact that they do not pay taxes means they cannot contribute to the growth of Philadelphia. The police force on their part is predominantly white. They are not trained on how to deal with the new population. How to be sensitive to their culture and beliefs. Since the arrivals are also not very at par with the American culture, this breeds a society that coexists but does not know how to interact and appreciate each other. This has led to an increase in police brutality especially among Nigerian males of ages 15-70. Both sides feel they are mis-understood-the police are trying to keep the peace, while the Nigerians are trying to make ends meet. While there are more obvious signs of harassments against people deemed black (African-Americans and Native Americans) as opposed to whites to begin with, xenophobia (undue fear or contempt of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples) is more prominent against those foreigners who also happen to have darker skins which naturally includes Africans, Mexicans, Jamaicans, Carib-Africans, Haitians, Indians (from India), So. Americans, etc. nd other non-Caucasian races. Africans, who naturally fit into the black quota, therefore get a double-whammy should they encounter a police officer who has xenophobia, and Nigerians who have encountered harassment incidences have noted this as a prevailing factor in the course of their being harassed. Distinct accents are a dead give away and a xenophobic officer would have a field day should he encounter one whom he fears and thus portrays hatred towards (www. igeriansinamerica. com). There is need to train the police force on the necessity to overcome Xenophobia amongst its officers. Also, more black offices must be employed and an effort be made to assign them to work in black communities and neighborhoods, to increase the acceptance of the police as a law enforcement agency.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Child Study Report Essay

Introduction Early childhood educators play an important role in observing, recognizing, and supporting children’s development (Charlesworth, 2014). In this report, child E has been chose to be observed with different observing methods including running record, anecdotal record and learning story. Child E is a 3 years old boy. His father is a New Zealander, and his mother is from China. He is the only child in his family. Child E dose not speak Chinese but only English, this is due to the reason that both his parents speak English at home and his mother does not want him to learn Chinese. Child E was born in New Zealand and he dose not know much about Chinese cultural. He attends at the center five days per week. His mother often drops him in the morning around 10am and the father picks him up around 6pm. Moreover, child E has just been transferred from the toddler room to the pre-school room two weeks ago. Child E and I know each other in the toddler room. In my report, I will focus on physical and socio-emotional developments and link them with development theories and concepts. I will also discuss how these two domains inter-related to the children’s holistic development. Read more: Factors that influence child development essay Physical Development Physical development is an essential domain that is extremely important for children’s development. The physical development of child E can be seen in all the observations. G. Stanley Hall and Arnold Gesell developed Maturation theory. According to the theory, maturation and growth occur together and they are interrelated. In another word, while a child is physically growing up, the nature and quality are changing as well. â€Å"Growth is what happens; maturation is how it happens† (Gordon and Browne, 2014). Furthermore, Gessell transferred his ideas of maturational process into the developmental milestones. The milestones indicate a child’s ability achievement at a certain age (Petty, 2010). The developmental milestone is a useful tool for early childhood teachers due to the reason that teachers can know what a child should achieve at specific ages. This can help teachers to plan and implement learning experiences for children. Also, the physical growth and deve lopment are closely related to children’s essential health and wellbeing  (New Zealand Tertiary College [NZTC], 2014). The physical experience supports children’s motor skills development. Using touching as an example, in observation one, child E patted the teacher and other children to get their attention. Instead of hitting or grabbing hardly, he patted gently. Child E experienced and developed the skill of controlling his motor when touching other people. Moreover, it is stressed in Te WhÄ riki (Ministry of Education [MoE], 1996), although there is a pattern of learning and development, teacher should see each child as an individual and every child follows their own rate of development. Thus, the physical development is not always predictable. To further explain this, in observation one, the action of poking shows the skill of using fine and gross motor. Child E and children J both can poke with the brush well, but their ages are different. In observation three, all the children joined the activity (musical statues) are 3 or 4 years old. They have different levels of balancing skills. In addition, Freud’s psychosexual stages also indicate deferent stages’ main development. He stressed the daily events and experience help children’s physical development in every stage (Berger, 2001). Child E is learning and developing his physical skills in every day life. Besides the theories discussed above, there are also some other factors that influence children’s physical development. Genetic make-up is the internal factors, and there are external factors include nutrition, exercise, social-cultural context, family care and health care services (NZTC, 2014). Genetic factors have impacts on many areas of development. In observation two, child E asked for more food is an example of his body’s natural needs. Social-cultural factor plays a significant role in the physical development. A child’s family vale and believe will influence the child. For instance, in observation two, child E left all the vegetables and only ate the rice and meat. Teachers already talked to his mother about this, and his mother believes the child know what to eat or not. She dose not want to encourage him to eat more vegetables. Instead, she asked teachers to give child E more meat. I also found that in the morning, when child E’s mother drops him at the center, E often has a chocolate muffin or other food high in sugar and fat as his breakfast. A current New Zealand research (Theodore, Thompson, Wall, Becroft, Robinson, Clark, Pryor, Wild & Mitchell, 2006) found that an  unhealthy diet would lead problems like diabetes, obesity, asthma and heart disease in young children, which will influence them a life-long time. Also, an unhealthy and unbalanced diet would cause undernourished problem of children. It has a huge impact on children’s physical development (Berk, 2013). The physical development is closely associated with other development domains. In terms of cognitive development, while children develop their fine and gross motor skills, the brain is stimulated and developed as well (Gordon & Browne, 2014). Take observation three as an example, while child E was finding his balancing with the motor skills, he also used his brain to control his gross and fine motor. Moreover, in the activity, he also used words like ‘move’ and ‘stop’ with his physical movements. His language learning was encouraged as well. Also, physical development inter-relate in relation to children’s social and emotional development, which will be discussed later. Social and emotional development Through all the four observations, child E showed his strong social skills and he was eager to communicate with others. A child’s social and emotional development is affected by both biological nature and the environment surrounds him or her. The different genetic factors and the other external factors influence children behave differently (NZTC, 2014). Building a positive relationship with children is essential for supporting emotions in young children. Supporting children’s emotions in a caring and social context can help the early childhood children to build a secure attachment relationship (Berk, 2013). It is stated in Te WhÄ riki (MoE, 1996), children will show their confidence only when they have built up the sense of belonging and secure at an environment. In observation one, child E chose to take a chair and set right next me. He is new to the pre-school environment, so he felt a little bit of insecure. He knows me from the toddler room a long time ago, so he feels emotionally safe and comfort around me. According to John Bowlby’s young children feels more comfortable around the person they attached to (Berger, 2001). Turning to Sigmund Freud’s theory, he considered personality as a key part of every child’s development. He  believes a newborn baby is governed by the id, which is the source of desire and motives that we born with (Berger, 2001). Erik Erikson further developed and modified Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective of development. Erikson sees the surrounding society as an important factor for every child. He believes that children develop from the interaction with surrounding environment, and a child and his/her environment have influence on each other (Berk, 2013). Most importantly, he added the parent-child relationship as a new interactive aspect. As we talked above, in the physical development part, child E’s mother’s believe obvious has an impact on child E’s eating habits. In the second observation, child E left all the vegetables in the bowl. This might be due to the reason that his parent’s allow him to choose what to eat at home. Different from both Freud’s and Erikson’s view, learning theorists emphasize the role of external forces in children’s social and emotional development. Behaviourism and social learning theory are the two most well-know learning theories. Behaviourism theory focuses on children’s behaviour and it sees culture as a key element of children’s learning. Behaviourism believes that environment can stimulate and elicit children’s responses (MacNaughton, 2003). From the four observations, child E was responding to his surrounding environment a lot. He was developing through interacting with his teachers, peers and toys in the environment. In the first observation, the teacher in pre-school room set up the painting activity to provide opportunities and encourage children to explore. Child E then chose to join the activity. E saw child J’s action and copied it. This is how child E learned from his surrounding environment. Social learning theory is closely linked with Behaviourism. It is because that socialization involves learning about how to behave in a social group. In social learning theory, children are active learners. They develop an understanding of self-awareness and social roles. Modeling, imitation, observation and self-efficacy are the main concepts of this theory. Children will then find out their abilities of doing a task. When they believe that they are good at the task, it is more likely they can overcome the difficulties. Otherwise, they could give up easily (Crain, 2000). In observation 2, child E was trying to keep balance. When he found out that balancing is little bit hard and his peers said he was out, he  stopped trying and felt emotionally uncomfortable. In the contrast, observation 3 shows that he was confident at building the station. Thus, when he needs to rebuild it, he did not give up. Same as physical development, Social and emotional development is also inter-related to children’s holistic development. It is emphasized in Te WhÄ riki (MoE, 1996) that a holistic curriculum is the development of a whole child in both individual and socio-cultural aspects. All the observations show how socio-emotional development and physical development happened in child E’s daily experience together. If E is emotional unwell, his physical development could be effect. Communication is an irreplaceable part of socio-emotional development, either verbal or non-verbal. Language skills are practiced through social experience. Cognitive domain is also influenced by socio-emotional development. Children’s brain is stimulated through interacting with others (Berger, 2001). Spiritual development is also a core part of holistic development. Children build up their sense of wondering and wisdom through social communication. Conclusion To sum up, I have discussed two developmental domains through analysing four observations. Child E has achieved a big improvement in both physical and socio-emotional developments. Moreover, all the developmental areas inter-related with each other, together, create a holistic curriculum for early childhood children. Reference list Berger, K. S. (2001). The developing person through the life span (5th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Berk, L. (2013). Child development (9th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Charlesworth, R. (2014). Understanding child development. (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Crain, W. (2000). Theories of development: Concepts and applications (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Gordon, A., & Browne, K. (2014). Beginnings and beyond: Foundations in early childhood education (9th ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. MacNaughton, G. (2003). Shaping early childhood: Learners, curriculum and contexts. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press. Ministry of Education. (1996). Te WhÄ riki: He whÄ riki mÄ tauranga mÃ…  ngÄ  mokopuna o Aotearoa/Early childhood curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media. Petty, K. (2010). Developmental milestones of young children (1st ed.). St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. NewZealand Tertiary College,(2014).Life Span Studies 2 study guide. Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand Tertiary College.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Top-level Accommodations for Students in the USA

Top-level Accommodations for Students in the USA Best Students USA Accommodations Apparently, you are convinced that college accommodation is definitely one of the worst things you should survive while obtaining your degree. Besides doubtful neighbors, you will face living in a new space, which most of us imagine like small, uncomfortable room, where one is stuck for three or five years. Thus, most students try to hire flats or live at their parent’s place, which can be not very convenient due to additional time and transport expenses. Students’ accommodation is usually situated on the campus territory, so living there you have distinctively more time for sports, library attendance, writing essays or entertainment with your friends. So, what is it better to do in such situation and how to cope with this difficult choice of place for living? Before preferring any of your options concerning living conditions, we recommend you not to haste and find out everything about the accommodation at your college. You will be exceedingly surprised, but we want to astonish you with the fact that accommodations can be even architectural masterpieces. So meet these well-planned buildings, which dismantle all stereotypes. Baker House This building is designed and built for Cambridge students in Massachusetts. The project of the Baker House is executed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. The architect embodied his ideas to provide a view out over the Charles River for each student and located the Baker house along the river. Besides, Alvar Aalto tried to avoid making typical and ordinary room design. Thus, he created 22 bedrooms on each floor. These bedrooms are saturated with individuality due to different shapes. The building has facade, made from red brick and fascinates all passersby by its look. That is so great for students to live in such an outstanding accommodation, which can become not only the place for living, but one of the vivid and bright recollections, concerning their years at the university. Peabody Terrace This students’ housing is located also in Harvard, Massachusetts and was designed by an architect Josep Luis Sert. Being the dean of the architecture school at Harvard University, Josep selected several room designs and arranged them into sections, creating terraces. The building has complex and peculiar design, but there can be hardly any students, who will not appreciate living at such astonishing place. Architects emphasize it outstanding design and ideological commitment and it will be an exciting experience for students to spend their time at this building. Noyes House This student dormitory is located in New York at the territory of the Vasar College campus. This building was designed by Eero Saarinen in slick crescent-shaped form. It was built in 1958 and symbolized the new breath to the residential life of the students. Though its architecture has respectful age, at those times it was a real breakthrough in the design of such buildings. Noyes House gives house for 178 students and is not a simple accommodation. It represents the first, progressive steps in the area of architecture masterpieces in regard to college and campus buildings. Olympia Avenue This is totally innovative residence hall for students, located in the Washington State. This building combines great interior design and superb interior planning, which presupposes lounges, kitchens, laundry facilities and studies, located on each floor. Except modern design this hall offers a lot of friendly features – storm water collection, geothermal heating and cooling, site restorations by means of natural landscaping and vegetation. So along with the living function Olympia Avenue executes the educational function, teaching its dwellers to take care about the environment. These students’ accommodations prove that there are always exceptions from the rules and college dormitories can be a great place for living. Just imagine how much friends you will make and what a great time you will spend, living in one of such dormitories at the campus area. Treat it as one of the adventures of your life and enjoy the best years at your college.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Grammar Tips Using the Present Tense - Get Proofed!

Grammar Tips Using the Present Tense - Get Proofed! Grammar Tips: Using the Present Tense â€Å"Carpe diem† is a Latin phrase often translated as â€Å"seize the day.† It’s used to urge people to appreciate the present moment instead of thinking about the past or future too much. And in that spirit, we’ve written this blog post about using the present tense. Carp diem, meanwhile, means Be a fish for the day. After all, you certainly won’t be â€Å"seizing the day† if you spend all your time worrying about errors in your writing. So, do yourself a favor and seize this grammatical advice instead. Simple Present The simplest form of the present tense is, appropriately, called the â€Å"simple present† tense. This is possibly the most common grammatical tense in English, as we use it to describe: Current facts (e.g., I live in Chicago.) General truths (e.g., Many people live in Chicago.) Things that happen regularly (e.g., The bus arrives in Chicago at 8am.) Things due to happen at a fixed time in the future (e.g., The festival begins in July.) The base verb form is usually correct in the simple present tense. However, the verb form changes slightly in when writing in the singular third person. For example: First Person: I live in Chicago. Second Person: You live in Chicago. Third Person: He/she lives in Chicago. As above, when using the third-person singular, an extra â€Å"s† is added to the base verb. Present Continuous The present continuous tense is used to describe an ongoing or incomplete action. It is formed by combining â€Å"am,† â€Å"is,† or â€Å"are† with a present participle. For example: I am learning Latin. They are going to the beach. She is dancing on the ceiling. All of these examples emphasize an ongoing or incomplete process. But they’re also things that have an endpoint or where progress can be made, not steady states of affairs (e.g., I live in Chicago) or general truths (e.g., Rain is wet) that don’t change over time. Present Perfect The present perfect tense is used for actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past: We have visited New York twice. It can also be used to describe actions that began in the past and continue into the present (or that happened in the past and continue to be true in the present): She has lived here since she was young. In both cases, the present perfect tense combines â€Å"has† or â€Å"have† with a past participle.   Most past participles, including â€Å"visited† and â€Å"lived† above, are formed by adding â€Å"-ed† to the end of a base verb. However, keep an eye out for irregular verbs that don’t follow this pattern. For instance: The leaves have fallen from the trees. In this case, since â€Å"fall† is an irregular verb, we use the past participle â€Å"fallen† (not â€Å"falled†). Present Perfect Continuous Finally, we have the present perfect continuous tense, which combines elements of the present perfect and present continuous tenses. As such, it’s used to describe ongoing actions that began in the past. We indicate this by combining â€Å"has been† or â€Å"have been† with a present participle: I have been waiting for the last half hour. Here, for example, â€Å"have been waiting† describes an ongoing process of waiting, but with an emphasis on how long the speaker has been there. This makes it distinct from the present perfect â€Å"I am waiting.† Hopefully that clears up how different present tense forms are used. If you want to make sure your writing is error free, though, embrace the spirit of â€Å"carpe diem† and have your work proofread today.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Story of Bakelite, the First Synthetic Plastic

The Story of Bakelite, the First Synthetic Plastic Plastics are so prevalent throughout the world that we rarely give them a second thought. This heat-resistant, non-conductive, easily-molded material holds the food we eat, the liquids we drink, the toys we play with, the computers we work with, and many of the objects we buy. It’s everywhere, as prevalent as wood and metal.   Where did it come from?   Leo Baekeland and Plastic The first commercially-used synthetic plastic was Bakelite. It was invented by a successful scientist named Leo Hendrik Baekeland. Born in Ghent, Belgium, in 1863, Baekeland immigrated to the United States in 1889. His first major invention was Velox, a photographic printing paper that could be developed under artificial light. Baekeland sold the rights to Velox to George Eastman and Kodak for one million dollars in 1899.   He then started his own laboratory in Yonkers, New York, where he invented Bakelite in 1907.  Made by combining phenol, a common disinfectant, with formaldehyde, Bakelite was originally conceived of as  a synthetic substitute for the shellac used in electronic insulation. However, the strength and moldability of the substance, combined with the low cost of producing the material, made it ideal for manufacturing. In 1909, Bakelite was introduced to the general public at a chemical conference. Interest in the plastic was immediate. Bakelite was used to manufacture everything from telephone handsets and costume jewelry to bases and sockets for lights bulbs to automobile engine parts and washing machine components.   Bakelite Corp Fittingly, when Baekeland founded the Bakelite Corp, the company adopted a logo that incorporated the sign for infinity and a tag line that read The Material of a Thousand Uses. That was an understatement.   Over time, Baekeland obtained about 400 patents relating to his creation. By 1930, his company occupied a 128-acre plant in New Jersey. The material fell out of favor, however, because of adaptive issues. Bakelite was fairly brittle in its pure form. To make it more malleable and durable, it was strengthened with additives. Unfortunately, the additives dulled the hue colorized Bakelite.  When other plastics that followed were found to hold their color better, Bakelite was abandoned.   Baekeland, the man who ushered in the age of plastic, died at the age of 80 in Beacon, NY in 1944.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global Marketing, Foreign Markets and Strategies for Successful Entry Assignment - 1

Global Marketing, Foreign Markets and Strategies for Successful Entry - Assignment Example When analyzed through GE Matrix, both Egypt and Russia presented markets that would be highly attractive given the medium strength of Bats Bank as a business unit. While Egypt is the holder of the proud legacy of a bygone glorious civilization, the present condition of the country is not that glorious and its main importance in world commerce and industry is in its guardianship of Suez Canal. But the positive aspect of the Egyptian economy is its stable agriculture and a large concentration of population along both sides of the Nile River that practically bisects the country. However, the high levels of public debt leave very little opportunity for Egyptian Government to invest large amounts in industry. Hence, the scope of other financiers entering the market is rather rosy. And, this is true irrespective of the current political turmoil that the nation is going through. Russia has finally been able to come out of the trauma of disintegration of the Soviet Union and its loss of global superpower status. The free market mechanism has gradually taken a firm grip on Russian economy right from the advent of Perestroika a decade and a half ago and the political and economic stability of the country presents a very attractive opportunity for doing business there. Also, there is a dearth of finance in the market and financial services companies could do very well to bridge this gap. Any company entering Russian markets must take extreme care not to violate the statutory requirements of doing business in that country as any violation of local laws usually leads to the exemplary penalty. Globalization has become the norm of today’s industry and commerce. Business entities are finding it imperative that in order to survive and prosper in this age of cutthroat competition; they must cross national boundaries and mark their presence in foreign markets (Kay 1995). Foreign markets, through a treasure trove of opportunities, also present many issues and problems that need to be solved in a novel manner as business environments in these foreign shores need not be identical to those prevailing in the mother country.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Holistic Assessment Process Based on the Goal of Facilitating Essay

The Holistic Assessment Process Based on the Goal of Facilitating Recovery - Essay Example This paper shall first present an overview of the clinical presentation of the service user. Secondly, it will identify the needs of the service user required to achieve recovery. Lastly, it shall present a critique of my involvement in the assessment process and how this reflected the principles of recovery. Body Overview Mrs. Smith is 46 years old, and was admitted to the mental health unit after she accused her son of apparently spying on her. She also attempted to slash her wrists claiming that there were some implants there placed by government agents spying on her. She is married and has been for the past 20 years and has been a math teacher at a local community college for the past 10 years and before that, has worked as an analyst with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). She has three children, all grown and she is living with her husband and one of her children. She has an IQ of a genius and has had no known history of any mental illness. For the past ten years howeve r, she expressed that sometimes she has often felt depressed, but did not seek professional mental health. Her husband declares that he also noticed his wife being paranoid about other people spying on them. He also shared that he thinks his wife is sometimes speaking to someone that he could not see, and that when he asked her who she was talking to, she said she was talking to her friend. She also believes that she is secretly working for the FBI and is sending and interpreting coded messages for them. She also believes that as a result of her work with the FBI, Russian spies want to kill her and so she is suspicious of every mail man or stranger that knocks on their door. As a result of her delusions, she was asked to take a sabbatical leave of absence from her work and to seek mental help. She is however in major denial over her mental health, insisting that what she sees and what she believes are all real. Two weeks prior to her current admission, after her husband left for wor k, she locked herself in the house and refused to open it to anyone. She drew the curtains and turned off all the lights. She then went to the bathroom and locked herself, taking with her a baseball bat to serve as a ‘weapon’ to ward off any supposed attackers. Her son came over to check on her and when he could not get in the door, used his key to get in the house. When his mother was not answering his calls, he then checked every room and found the bathroom door locked. He also heard his mother telling him to go away and leave her alone. Worried that his mother is hurt, he kicked the bathroom door open and as soon as he did, his mother started hitting him with the baseball bat. After subduing his mother, he called the emergency services for assistance. She was later referred to the mental health unit after the health professionals considered a possible mental health affectation. Assessment of needs In assessing the patient’s needs, I evaluated her ability to ca rry out her daily activities, mostly in relation to self-care (functional needs) (Velligan,, 2004). I also evaluated her family situation, especially in relation to potential family caregivers who can supervise her care and assist her in her daily activities and support her during her recovery period. I also assessed her psychological health and emotional health, interviewing her and her family while asking pertinent questions relating to her feelings and her ability to cope with stress (Popescu and

Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Terrorism - Essay Example sequent to these, the following discussion aims at highlighting a case related to terrorism as shown in the movie â€Å"A Mighty Heart,† as well as my own personal opinions about terrorism. The movie a mighty heart features the world of Daniel Pearl, a reporter of the Wall Street Journal. He embarked on researching a story on a shoe bomber known as Richard Reid (Pearl, 11). The story led him to a place called Karachi where an informant was to give him details of an elusive source. As Daniel left for the meeting, he told his wife he could get late for dinner. However, Daniel never returned from this meeting. Supporters of Omar Sheikh kidnapped and beheaded him. This movie depicts one of the many incidences that have led to the death of innocent people. Daniel was in the course of doing his work, thus giving service to the society when he met his death. He was to expose facts associated with terror attacks in the U.S., thus assist in the fight against terrorism. However, the terrorists could not spare him for his bravery, leading to his demise. In response to this, I think people who opt to trend on such important missions should take such precautions as requesting for g overnment protection. In my opinion, terrorism bears adverse effects on the lives of people. It denies them the freedom to conduct their activities in a free manner as it evokes fear among them. It also hinders them from accomplishing their dreams in life as shown in the case of Daniel in the mighty heart movie. More to these, terrorism hinders the exploitation of people’s potential, thus hampering the process of development in any nation. When terror attacks are directed, for example, towards individuals, the family members of the targeted person experience a lot of suffering. The person may go missing for a considerable period leaving the family members in a confused state. The members go through a lot of emotional turmoil as they hope for a reunion with their beloved one. Eventual death of such

Sontag believes movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sontag believes movies - Essay Example Typically, since movies are created to depict a dynamic narrative of life under a rare perspective with striking parallels to the circumstances of reality, the watcher becomes gradually kidnapped by such an essence that occurs to fulfill the movie’s objective of getting the viewer seek profound relevance. As the movie serves a vehicle that takes one to reflect with vivid imagination and pertinent emotion at depth, the act of kidnapping, as Sontag puts it to be the principal role assumed by the film, is sustained. On the other hand, Norma’s observation that movies lost art during the arrival of the talkies in the late 1920s tends to signify reference to the aesthetic value of a motion picture. At a time, people sought inspiration from the fast-paced scenes with basic tale-like themes and muted dialogues that captivated illusions so that movie, as an art piece, seemed at that period governed by an ideal rather than real or factual principle of transporting the audience in a journey of pure heroic sentiments. Losing art though does not appear to wholly pertain to depriving the film of the essence of beauty found in its fictitious elements of presentation during transition to a decade in which the incorporation of sound would add prominence to the acts in virtual display. Both Desmond and Sontag necessitated making such judgment to indicate a change toward revolution and the loss of traditional craft is just a single aspect that needed occurrence to permit innovation or a new concept and approach.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 147

Global Warming - Essay Example As the paper outlines global warming is related to the greenhouse effect, which is the course by which absorption and discharge of emissions of gases in the atmosphere warms the lower atmosphere and the surface of the globe. Global warming is as a result of reasons, which may be either natural or manmade. Natural causes are those that are created by nature, and are often related to the emission of methane gas. This is the case in the arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane, being a greenhouse gas, holds heat in the mesosphere. Another natural cause is the cycle of climate change that usually takes about 40,000 years. Human activities have been credited for the changes in climate as early as during the industrial revolution. Their activities lead to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Pollution is the biggest problem and results from a number of activities, the main being burning of fossil fuels. These are fuels, resulting from organic matter such as oil and coal. The burning of fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide. The mining of oil and coal also allows methane gas to escape into the atmosphere. This is because methane gas exists naturally in the ground. An increase in the population has also been credited for global warming. As people settle in new areas they clear the vegetation that previously existed and cause deforestation. Plants are known to take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. Their clearance increases the amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There are a number of effects resulting from global warming. Weather patterns are most affected by the climatic change.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The reasons for the failure of EBay to set its base in Japan Case Study

The reasons for the failure of EBay to set its base in Japan - Case Study Example The reasons for the failure of EBay to set its base in Japan Method: The information used while preparing the report was collected from the case study paper titled â€Å"EBay in Japan: strategic and cultural missteps† written by Indu Perepu and Sachin Govind in 2008. Findings: EBay, a powerful on line trading company for consumer merchandise, enters Japan in 2007 in a partnership with Yahoo to make easy the transnational bidding system. A Japanese website called Sekaiomon was also launched to facilitate shipping and clearance. Previously in 2000 EBay had entered the Japanese market in alliance with NEC Corporation to form EBay Japan. It failed to garner many takers (managed to get only 3% share of the total online market value in Japan) even after waiving off its online transaction fees, and was nowhere near the Yahoo auctions, the number one online bidding website in Japan at that time. After repeated unsuccessful attempts to better its position, eBay finally decided to close it portal in Japan on 31st 2002, and decided instead to concentrate on other Asian markets like, India, China, Philippines and Taiwan. In was only in 2006 after Yahoo shut down its auction websites in US and Canada, and went into an alliance with EBay in these 2 countries, did the latter come into an agreement with Yahoo to re-enter the Japanese market in 2007, though the analysts even then did not predict a bright future for EBay in Japan. Analysis/ Discussion: From the case study it is clear that there are two main reasons for the failure of EBay in Japan.

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 147

Global Warming - Essay Example As the paper outlines global warming is related to the greenhouse effect, which is the course by which absorption and discharge of emissions of gases in the atmosphere warms the lower atmosphere and the surface of the globe. Global warming is as a result of reasons, which may be either natural or manmade. Natural causes are those that are created by nature, and are often related to the emission of methane gas. This is the case in the arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane, being a greenhouse gas, holds heat in the mesosphere. Another natural cause is the cycle of climate change that usually takes about 40,000 years. Human activities have been credited for the changes in climate as early as during the industrial revolution. Their activities lead to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Pollution is the biggest problem and results from a number of activities, the main being burning of fossil fuels. These are fuels, resulting from organic matter such as oil and coal. The burning of fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide. The mining of oil and coal also allows methane gas to escape into the atmosphere. This is because methane gas exists naturally in the ground. An increase in the population has also been credited for global warming. As people settle in new areas they clear the vegetation that previously existed and cause deforestation. Plants are known to take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. Their clearance increases the amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There are a number of effects resulting from global warming. Weather patterns are most affected by the climatic change.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gillingham FCs Essay Example for Free

Gillingham FCs Essay Scott Jones is a 27 year old, mediocre footballer, who plays for First Division club Gillingham. Gillingham are an average side who are likely to be in the First Division for a long while as they dont possess the quality to reach the Premiership, but they are too good to be relegated to Division two. Scott enjoys his job as a footballer due to the fact that he is getting paid a lot of money. He does enjoy his football, but the main reason he is a footballer is because he wants lots of money. Scott got recognised as a good footballing talent when he caught the eye of one of Gillingham FCs local scouts. Scott was playing for his Sunday league team at the age of 18, and gave an excellent performance. He had no knowledge of the scouts presence, until the manager said that the scout thought he had serious potential and wanted to sign him for Gillingham. Scott did sign, and within a few months of him joining Gillingham FC, Scott made the first team, and became a regular from there on. Scott has been at Gillingham for 9 years now and has become one of their best players. Scott enjoys playing for Gillingham FC but little does he know that his career is about to take a huge turn. Scott sat anxiously outside the managers office. He adjusted his tie, which he wasnt used to wearing, and sat there thinking to himself what this meeting could be about. He was confused as to whether he had done something wrong or whether perhaps the club wanted to extend his contract. He had no idea and was eager to get it out of the way. Scottie, do you want to come in? We need to have a little chat said Phil Taylor, the Manager of Gillingham Football Club. Scott stood up and entered the room nervously. Now Scott, we wanted your opinion on this and wanted to see how you felt before we did anything. Weve had an offer come in from Fulham for you. It is very generous, for both the club, and for you. You will be able to get a very good contract from them, and youll be able to play Premiership football. What do you say? Do you want to stay, or are you happy to leave? said Phil. Scott, who felt relieved that he wasnt in trouble, then replied Sounds good to me. If its good for the club then Ill go. Scott was extremely excited about the prospect of playing in the Premiership, but he would have to wait 2 months until he could sign, as the transfer window was closed. Scott was even happier about the fact that he would be getting paid an awful lot more money, his wages were being doubled. Scott felt on top of the world! As he was still contracted to Gillingham for 2 more months, Scott still had to train with them; however, he didnt have to play for them as Fulham made an agreement with Gillingham as part of the deal. Scott enjoyed training, even more so now that he knew he was moving to Fulham next season. Scott still trained hard, but didnt take it as serious as usual, as all he could think about was all that money he would be getting. Right lads, well do some 5 a side. Do some stretches then get yourselves into teams said the manager. Scott just wanted to play 5 a side and so didnt bother doing any stretches. This was a silly thing to do. Halfway through the game, Scott was running with the ball at his feet, and just as he was going to shoot, his studs got caught in the ground and he twisted his knee. It looked incredibly painful, and Scott was in agony. The Physio came on and took him back to the medical room, to see what he had done. It was very serious and so Scott had to be taken to hospital. About an hour after taking a look at Scott and doing some tests, the doctor came back with his diagnosis. Im afraid, its bad news. Youve torn cruciate knee ligaments in your right knee and you have also broken your ankle. This will take an enormously long time to recover from, and there is a 50% chance you will not be able to continue your career as a footballer, if indeed you do recover Scotts heart sank. His career was over, as was his dream of playing in the Premiership. At the age of 27 Scott would only have about 5 years maximum left to play as a footballer, but now, he would be out for at least 2 years, and if he did recover, he would be past his best. Scott was absolutely devastated. He would have to stay in hospital over night while they did more tests and then in a week, he would have to undergo a major operation. For the next week, Scott just stayed at home, in bed, thinking of what he could have become and how much money he could have got. He felt sorry for himself but he was also beating himself up thinking that maybe this whole thing would never have happened had he done his stretches before playing 5 a side. Scott was distraught and he had never been so down in his life. He was thinking, what can he do now?

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Theory On Nation Building Politics Essay

A Theory On Nation Building Politics Essay There are different theories of nation-building and state-building that explain how a state and nation should be built. Most of the theories take their point of departure from Western models of state that is often inappropriate for African countries.  [1]   Nation-building has emerged in 19th century from nationalism in Italy and Germany and continued by external actors in post-WWII  [2]  in Germany and Japan. However, it is difficult to speak about nation-building in those two countries, as their nations; with strong cultural and ethnic bonds, already existed and focused more on building of democratic institutions. The conditions for nation-building, including homogeneity of the population, were much more positive than they are in Africa.  [3]  Due to this fact, this model is insufficient to explain the complexity of the situation in Somalia. Therefore we have decided to use a theory that encompasses also importance of element of nation, national identity and its integrity together with state-building. On the one hand, nation-building is a process of socio-political development. This, at least ideally, shall bring loosely linked communities together, becoming one society. This process can start off of political, economical, social, cultural or other reasons. As this process can involve extremely different dimensions, positively (economical integration) as well as negatively (repressions like ethnic cleansing) it is not clear that nation-building actually is successful.  [4]   On the other hand, it is a political objective as well as a strategy. This means that either internal or external players try to create a system that is constituted under a nation-state. Then, the term nation-building has a rather programmatic or conceptional character and cannot be used for analysing the political and social process. Therefore, this objective or strategy is mainly used in a development strategy in order to serve nation-building.  [5]   However different these two definitions are, there are three core elements counting for both: integrative ideology, integration of a society and development of a functional state (state-building). For a successful nation-building, this results in a triangle, Hippler argues, having state-building, social integration and ideological legitimacy at its corners, of which all corners need to be fulfilled. Some aspects of the elements can be introduced and provided from outside, while others can only be built from inside, such as ideological legitimacy.  [6]  Now we will describe different element in their theoretical perspective. Integrative ideology To begin with, there is a need to stem from an integrative ideology in order to build up a national feeling and give the people, through this, a national identity. Therefore, a common ground for all different groups in this emerging nation needs to be found. This could be, for example, religion, language or history. Obviously, the more in common, the bigger is the chance to build up one society. It is important to state, that, in this case, ideology should be understood in neutral terms as systems of thought and fundamental philosophies that explain the past, present and future according to certain value models.  [7]  When we look closer on the national identity, we can find several definitions. We have decided to connect two of them theoretically. One describes modern approach critically and It is also very important that this ideology comprises ideas applicable to everyone and idea of national cohesion must be stronger than the idea of separation.  [8]  Connecting ideology with national identity, different people have their own individual identities. As long as the primary identity and loyalty lies with the tribe, clan or an ethnic or ethnoreligious group and the national identity level remains subordinate or missing, a nation-state will continue to be precarious.  [9]   Crucial role in the formation of nation is played by government, elite or ruler. There are different criteria that government has to meet in the process of nation-building. First of all, government has to examine what has been done in the past, to be able to make people believe in better future. For example if the collapsed ruling regime left people hurt and full of distrust in the government, this fact has to be taken into considerations when building a nation. Therefore confidence in state institutions destroyed  [10]  should be prognosis for better future. Another influential element is population actually has to be willing to cooperate, to be motivated in creating, supporting and shaping the nation.  [11]  Finally, concept of nation has to fulfill different criteria in the perception of the people: centrality and extent nation-building shouldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦occupy a central position in peoples everyday political and social lives?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ association with other issues on the agenda connecting with the experiences of the target groups narrative familiarity flexibility and openness to change With clever policies and respect for the differences between different social groups in the nation, government can successfully develop a strong national identity and nation-building process. Integration of society Integration of society in the nation is very important element of nation-building. In post-colonial states it is usually understood in connection with democracy and third wave of democratisation. The nation-building was accompanied by high expectations from the West and in many post-colonial countries different ethnic groups are gaining meaning in the changing institutional system.  [12]   Generally, we define three models of national unity, that will help us to understand how in divided societies nation-building can take place. Those are: Imperium, Culturally homogenous nation of modern age and Pluricultural integration. In the imperium, there is a set hierarchy, while religion is dominated by the ruling elite. There is no necessary desire for unified culture and communication. Integration is achieved through differences.  [13]  Looking at culturally homogenous nation of modern age, we can see patterns of secularisation keeping culture and religion apart from the state. Culture of the majority or elite is, again, supported. Nation-building processes are underpinned by regulated norms.  [14]  In the last model, the pluricultural integration, minorities are oppressed and discriminated and have to struggle for recognition of their rights. This is mostly a case in multi-ethnic and multi-lingual societies that are taking account of cultural and religious diversity .  [15]   The evolution of democracy in developing countries is challenging and demands of different ethnic leaders make processes of nation-building in these countries even more fragile. But very important fact that there are efforts for building new architecture of democracy  [16]  That means that there are bigger emphasis on the ethnicity and ethnic equality and therefore these ideas counteract centralist/assimilatory tendencies  [17]  Four democratic innovations for states in inner conflict concordance, local representation, federalism and cultural autonomy. Concordance is a model that allows representatives of all important groups to participate in the political decision-making process  [18]  , offering large variety of institutional forms. Advantage of this form is creation of coalitions, where different groups have to cooperate to reach their goals. This model is of use when there is no strong majority to rule, because otherwise there is no need for coalition. Local representation represents most diverse representation of minorities possible  [19]  . It is also significant in the way that minorities are usually represented by their own representatives. In the elections, ethnic groups are finding coalitions and ways to cooperate and to enforce their interests. However, this model can deepen ethnic differences and policies might be strongly influences by individual ethnic interests instead of the ones of whole society.  [20]   Federalism offers different groups equal power but also identical rules to be followed. Groups deal with their matters individually, what makes system more flexible, decentralized and minorities more secure. On the other side, there is a danger of secession, where demands for greater autonomy can be continually rising.  [21]  FIND MORE The last model, cultural autonomy, is very focused to preserve and strengthen the identity of minorities  [22]  . There is emphasis on local languages and religions that are also considered to be official languages. That gives minorities ability to take care of their affairs individually, but on the other side, to deepen the differences between the groups (might not be an issue deals with minority language, legal pluralism) However, although state-building being a part of nation-building, it is important to distinguish between both of them: While state-building is focused only on building state institutions etc. a functional state apparatus nation-building is in many states a pre-requirement needed to be fulfilled before.  [23]  Especially in European countries, where a national identity already exists, only the state needs to be built around it. We can also observe this phenomenon, when we look upon the history of the modern (and in this case European) nation-state, where first a nation existed from which then a nation-state emerged. In post-colonial countries, in opposite, demarcations were made by the former colonial powers on interest lines and not according to ethnic groups, tribes or similar communities. This means in many cases, that a country either includes many different ethnic groups with different backgrounds, or that one ethnic group is spread in more than one country. This leads to arguments how a state should be governed and, through this, to weak states or weak state institutions. The political elements contain the nation-state and a high level of social mobilisation and political integration, which are, although not the central elements, some of the most important. Therefore, methods like material incentives (e.g. public service employment), cultural means (e.g. educational system and language policy) and compulsion need to be applied. Furthermore, when a government is finally introduced, it needs to consolidate its own position in the society.  [24]   The social mobility also needs to be built up, either in a bottom-up or top-down model. This implements that all members of society need to be involved, especially in the political and ideological process of shaping the nation. This is often a big change, as most weak states were formerly governed by only one part of the society which excluded/repressed the rest of the population. As everyone is supposed to participate, in this period of time, at least some democratic dialogue will take place. However, it is possible that the newly formed nation will in this dialogue agree on some authoritarian or totalitarian form of governance.  [25]   In this dialogue of constituting a nation, dormant conflicts will wake up, especially in the former excluded part of society. This might turn out to be more serious, when it is not clear who belongs to the nation. The problem arises especially, when the conflict is ethnically motivated (for instance because of the language or religion). Then, nation-building easily becomes repressive and lowers the social participation in the political discourse. There is also a need for the redistribution of power: old social and political structures will be (need to be?) destroyed, while new ones will be built up. This means, that, where local governments had most power, Hippler argues, a centralised government with a good local anchoring might be an advantage, as this ensures that new persons will take over.  [26]   As nation-building needs at least to some extend external help, especially in regards of providing security and building up a functioning infrastructure, the countrys government either needs to invite the international community, or this needs to intervene.  [27]  However, as the states of the international community will only act in a failing state if they see some advantage in it, there needs to be a trigger. This trigger could be for economic (the intervention of the USA to Iraq in 2003), security (the intervention of the NATO to Afghanistan in 2001) or for political and historical reasons (the intervention of the NATO in the Former Yugoslavian Republics in the 1990s).  [28]   The goal for intervening is not or not primarily nation-building; it needs to be seen as a necessity for reaching another goal. For example did the USA plan to leave Iraq after half a year and only realised after the end of the (official) war that it will take several years to build a nation and rebuild institutions.  [29]  This explains, why nation-building in many cases is only improvised, incontinent and lacks of preparation, as the war does not only destroy the balance of power in the intervened country but also entails a clash of power politics between internal and external players.  [30]  As it is the interference into the domestic politics of another country, Ignatieff stresses, nation-building has also imperial approaches.  [31]  A shift in the international discourse about an allowance of these imperial actions by putting them in the UN charter is discussed in the international community, as there is no dominant public position. But there can also be external efforts to internal nation-building that can be very helpful for the built state. A good example therefore was the nation-building in Afghanistan with the help of the USSR. Here, processes are supported from outside with positive efforts in political, social, security-policy and other domains. This is also possible in countries with different political embedding. However, then there is a greater emphasis on development and peace policies, although also other aid can be provided for a long term stabilisation.  [32]   In the case of external efforts for internal nation-building, it is important to see for the intervening state that often an area of conflict arises between the internal processes promoted and the often contradictory political objectives.  [33]   Internal nation-building should promote human rights, social equalisation, good governance and participative democracy. Imperial nation-building must recreate a nation-state and sometimes even the corresponding society. The desire to bring this about external players is the creation of an enormous dimension. However, the external governments are often not entirely conscientious of their action as they want/need to work economically and have a limited budget, while recreating a whole nation-state is financially very expensive, takes a lot of time it is calculated to take one or two generations, and is very personnel-intensive. If the intervening countries cannot fulfil these variables fully, they are likely to fail. This mostly happens in a change of government, what most likely occurs during the time frame of such an operation.  [34]   There are several fundamental problems that easily arise by imperial nation-building, meaning that one country intervenes another one and then rebuilds the nation:  [35]   Firstly, at the intervention but also throughout the whole process, there is a security problem: Usually, there is no real army to fight against, or it is just one part, but as the country is fragmented, the war is as well: Opponents are often warlords, terrorists and militias which fighters can be hardly recognised from civilians. Furthermore, their buildings are closely linked to civilians and common living spaces.(quote?) However, an army is only prepared to fight against clearly recognisable enemies and has in this case either only little power or civilian causalities need to be acceptable. The latter is usually not an option, as this is not only problematic in terms of ethics and international law but also contradictory to the overall aim, as the local people would not understand it. The second problem is the political problem of local rulers and warlords: As security is one of the major aims, for the intervening power as well as for the local population, a cooperation on the spot is often implemented. This can easily contradict to the aim of nation-building, because it usually means a cooperation with old local structures which are usually meant to be disband or with the use of other local power structures, militias, warlords and even criminal gangs as auxiliary troops. This was done by actors such as the UN (cooperation with a militia in Kosovo) and the USA (cooperation with warlords is Afghanistan and Iraq) for different interests: On the one hand, these auxiliary troops often find support in the local population and are therefore helpful, on the other hand they are potential enemies which are, at least for the time of cooperation, eliminated. This cooperation is built upon the proliferation of weapons and money towards these troops. But especially the latter becomes a problem in the further process. When peace and order are established, warlords, militias, etc. are supposed to be disarmed, what is very risky and needs a lot of money as well as personnel. A third fundamental problem is the question of resources: As already stated earlier, a nation-building process usually takes several years, a lot of money and personnel. The expected numbers are usually topped by the actual needs. A good example for this is the US intervention in Iraq, now going on for seven years instead of a supposed short-term mission by using almost double of the costs calculated.  [36]   Fourth, there is the internal political factor of the intervening state for a long term commitment. Especially in the Western world, the sense of the mission in regards of financial and human costs will be questioned after a short time. Also, due to the rise of interventions after the end of the Cold War, many states reach their military capacities by supporting one or two nation respective state-buildings (e.g. Germany with its soldiers in Kosovo and Afghanistan, the USA being in Iraq on top of its other operations). As a fifth fundamental problem, there should be mentioned conflicts of objective and means, as there is most often a conflict between the interest in actual nation-building and the interest of control. The latter needs certainly be focused on security reasons, because it can otherwise fall apart easily. In this context, nation-building becomes a means for social and political control of the country. That means that it is not any more an objective but becomes an instrument for other purposes. This comes, according to Hippler, down to three points describing the goals of imperial nation-building: [] (i) an emphasis on military, police and intelligence resources [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦]; (ii) appropriate infrastructure measures [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] and (iii) strictly regulated democratisation and participation possibilities in order to include local political forces in the administration of the country and be better accepted among the public at large [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦].  [37]   The opposite of imperial nation-building is non-imperial or development policy nation-building. Its biggest argument is that nation-building must not be seen as a blueprint of Western democracies which shall be projected on Third World countries, including economy and democratic institutions; being also a major reason for the failure in Afghanistan. Rather it should have a sound and workable concept that suits the countrys nation to be built. An example for failing on this context is the Iraq, where the USA did not have a suitable plan at all.  [38]   Best prospects nation-building has when fulfilling certain functions for the society affected. These should be articulated by socio-economic and political groups. However, nation-building is less likely to be affective after current crises, as the society is already too split. Easier it is when the society is not split yet, meaning usually a solution before a crisis starts off. While for the latter a short-term solution is likely to solve the prospects of nation-building, the former means because of the great experience of violence a more important role of control and security for the (re-)integration of society. When talking about integration, the question of a targeted disintegration may arise in the sense of ethnic cleaning in order of building separate nation states. A central argument of supporters of this thought is that in countries where is, due to e.g. a genocide, only little chance of an integration of the enemy factions and that it is close to impossible to bring integration if not wanted by any of the parties. Opponents may reply that greater trouble will occur by displacing people what definitely would need to happen in border regions, but is also likely to happen in other regions. A separation would neither solve the problem entirely as the factions are like to start a new war afterwards.  [39]   Nation-building is a painful, contradictory and complex process which promises only success, when the affected populations living standards are improved and the population connects it to nation-building. If the living circumstances stay the same in the long term it is perceived to be artificial and more and more opposition will rise. However, over a short term, nation-building is tolerated when it arouses hope for the future instead of actually bringing improvements.  [40]   As a starting point, the new nation must have the feeling that the new nation-state is and will be capable of solving problems in the populations interest. This normally includes economic and socio-political components such as a safeguarding food supply, healthcare, jobs and accommodation, but should also contain personal security and infrastructure. But cultural symbols are for the integration of a nation equally important.  [41]   Another step to be made in connection to the improvement of living standards is the implementation of politicostructural changes. An optimal starting point for these are the internal cultural and political conditions in the newly built nation. However, although it should create the prerequisites of it equality, a fair fiscal system, education, etc., it should not form democracy itself.  [42]  

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bankruptcy Law :: Papers

Bankruptcy Law The federal statute for the form of bankruptcy commonly known as Chapter 13 is cited in legal briefs as 11 USC CHAPTER 13 - ADJUSTMENT OF DEBTS OF AN INDIVIDUAL WITH REGULAR INCOME. Section 1301 this code not only relieves the bankrupt debtor, but it also relieves the codebtor. US Code as of: 01/23/00 Sec. 1301. Stay of action against codebtor (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, after the order for relief under this chapter, a creditor may not act, or commence or continue any civil action, to collect all or any part of a consumer debt of the debtor from any individual that is liable on such debt with the debtor, or that secured such debt, unless - (1) such individual became liable on or secured such debt in the ordinary course of such individual's business; or (2) the case is closed, dismissed, or converted to a case under chapter 7 or 11 of this title. (b) A creditor may present a negotiable instrument, and may give notice of dishonor of such an instrument. (c) On request of a party in interest and after notice and a hearing, the court shall grant relief from the stay provided by subsection (a) of this section with respect to a creditor, to the extent that - (1) as between the debtor and the individual protected under subsection (a) of this section, such individual received the consideration for the claim held by such creditor; (2) the plan filed by the debtor proposes not to pay such claim; or (3) such creditor's interest would be irreparably harmed by continuation of such stay. (d) Twenty days after the filing of a request under subsection (c)(2) of this section for relief from the stay provided by subsection (a) of this section, such stay is terminated with respect to the party in interest making such request, unless the debtor or any individual that is liable on such debt with the debtor files and serves upon such party in interest a written objection to the taking of the proposed action.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Julius Caesar :: essays research papers

Who’s The Noblest of the Main Characters in Julius Caesar?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When attempting to get a read on all the characters of the play Julius Caesar and which one has the smallest flaws you need to look at each character and evaluate them individually. You have to consider if Aristotle would consider them noble or not. You have to decipher if the characters are being noble for the right reasons. You have to also look at which characters exhibit positive virtues and which ones don’t. Aristotle says, â€Å"virtue or excellence is a characteristic involving choice, and that it consists in observing the mean relative to us, a mean which is defined by a rationale principal, such as a man of practical wisdom would use to determine it. It is the mean by reference to the two vices: the once of excess and the other of deficiency. It is, moreover, a mean because some vices exceed and fall short of what is required in emotion and in action, whereas virtue finds and chooses a median. Hence in respect of it’s essence and definition of its essential nature virtue is a mean, but in regard to goodness and excellence it is an extreme†(Aristotle 1107a, 1-8). None of the main characters are truly noble or virtuous but no one really is. Of all the main characters I find that Brutus has the least amount of flaws. But he too is not deficient of flaws. In order to prove my point I will give reasons why some of the other characters cannot be considered the noblest of them all.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The almighty, egotistical and borderline arrogant Julius Caesar had his flaws. Caesar proved to be deficient in fear while also exhibiting excessive courage. In attempting to prove how courageous he was, Caesar wanted to prove a point to Cassuis by jumping into the flooded Tiber river. Caesar said to Cassuis, â€Å"Dar’st thou, Cassuis, now Leap in with me into this angry flood, And swim to yonder point(Shakespeare, 1.2-102-104)? After they jumped into the water a dismayed Cassius describes what happens next, â€Å"Upon the word, Accout’red as I was, I plunged in And bode him follow: so indeed he did. The torrent roared, and we did buffet it with lusty sinews, throwing it aside And stemming it with hearts of controversy. But eve we could arrive the. point proposed, Caesar cried â€Å"Help me Cassuis or I sink(Shakespeare 1.2, 104-111)! Cassius then saved his life. Caesars whole point of jumping into the raging flood was to prove how courageous he was, but he was nearly killed for his reckless behavior.

Friday, October 11, 2019

What Are Sheet-Molding Compounds (Smc)? Bulk-Molding Compounds (Bmc)?

(5). a) What are sheet-molding compounds (SMC)? Bulk-molding compounds (BMC)? Sheet-molding compound (SMC) is a fiber glass reinforced thermosetting compound in sheet form, usually rolled into coils interleaved with plastic film to prevent auto adhesion. Made by dispensing mixed resin, fillers, maturation agent, catalyst and mold release agent onto two moving sheets of polyethylene film. The lower one also contains chopped glass roving or glass mat. SMC can be molded into complex shapes with little scrap.Sheet molding compound (SMC) is fiberglass reinforced composite material, produced in a â€Å"sheet† format Bulk-molding compound (BMC) is a combination of chopped glass strands and  Resin  in the form of a bulk  pre-preg. BMC is suitable for either compression or injection molding. Injection molding of BMC is used to produce complex components such as electrical equipment, car components, housings for electrical appliances and tools, in large industrial volumes. Unlike SMC, it is not necessary to include a maturation stage.Consequently, BMC pre-preg formulations contain higher filler contents. The chopped glass strands vary in length depending on the level of performance required. Reinforcement content generally ranges between 15 and 20 percent; however, it may reach 25 percent for the highest performance. BMC uses lower reinforcement content than SMC and permits higher filler loadings with lower costs. b) List FOUR (4) types of the forms in which reinforcement fibers appear in composite materials?Based on the form of reinforcement, common composite materials can be classified as follows: 1. Fibers as the reinforcement (Fibrous Composites) a. Random fiber (short fiber) reinforced composites b. Continuous fiber (long fiber) reinforced composites 2. Particles as the reinforcement (Particulate composites) 3. Flat flakes as the reinforcement (Flake composites) 4. Fillers as the reinforcement (Filler composites) c) Describe the problems involved in rec ycling products made from reinforced plastics.The main problems are that recycling usually requires the use of a single type of material, and that some plastics (mainly hard and brittle polymers) are more difficult to chop into small pieces for further processing than others. With reinforced plastics, this requires that the reinforcement be separated from the matrix, a very difficult task and uneconomical task. Note that matrices are often thermosets, so it is not practical to melt the matrix and separate the fibers from a molten phase.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bend it like Beckham; Food Symbol

Beckman is a movie directed by Grinder Chad. It revolves around listener, a teenage Indian girl who's passion is for playing soccer. This film explores many important themes such as racism, sexuality, stereotypes, breaking gender barriers and culture. The theme that I will be focusing on Is culture. The main symbol for ‘culture' is food. Food is a recurrent theme of the film that is constantly repeated in scenes but only subtly. It has surprisingly Important significance to do with both the Piston and Bahamas families.. Women are typically in the kitchen both Western and Indian culture.The character Mrs. Bahamas is an excellent example of this practice. She is almost always seen cooking, eating or Just being around Indian food. She is constantly trying to teach Jess how to cook, but when Jess shows no desire to learn how to cook. Jess Is removing herself from the traditional ways of a Sikh woman. Sikh women are traditionally housewives, and by Jess refusing to learn to cook goe s against the ways of Sikh culture. In contrast to Mrs.. Bahamas, Jess is going against he ways her parents have taught her, becoming less integrated in Indian culture and bringing shame to the family.She Is bringing shame to the family, because her family believes no man will want a woman who can't cook. This worries Mrs.. Bahamas because she wants nothing more than her daughters to be married off. An Important scene expressing Jess' opinion towards cooking is, when she Is learning how to cook a full Indian dinner. While her mother stands at the stove, Jess defiantly bounces a capsicum from knee to knee. Despite being forced to learn how to cook, sees still obsessed with soccer and will even incorporate it in the kitchen!It is a metaphor for how Jess feels learning to cook Is Just another way for her parents to control her future. Another example of a key scene demonstrating Mrs.. Bahamas opinion of Jess, is when she finds out she has Joined a women's football team. Jess is sitting on a couch with her parents looking down on her. Chad has used a low angle shot, demonstrating the vulnerability of Jess and the power of her parents. Mrs.. Bahamas shows she Is concerned about the future for her daughter: â€Å"What family ill want a daughter-in-law who can run around kicking football all day but can't make round chapattis? Once again, she includes a reference to food, and how Jess needs to submit to the stereotypical role of a woman in order to get a husband. This brings me onto my next point about how cooking Is expected from women In Western culture too. In the Piston household, Jules' mother is similar to Mrs.. Bahamas in the way that she believes playing sport Is masculine. Mrs.. Piston Is constantly reminding her daughter that, â€Å"No boy's going to want to go out with a girl who's got bigger muscles Han him! In desperation to stop her playing football. Even more ridiculous than 1 OFF Jules' for the first time Mrs.. Piston's only comment is, â€Å"You k now, I cooked a lovely curry the other day. † She immediately resorts to talking about food because that is all she knows about Indian culture. She believes she is associating herself with Jess, but is actually only associating with the stereotypical Indian woman, not Jess. In continuation of this scene, Jules' mum is bringing up a tray of cheese and tea, when she hears the two girls quarrelling.Having missed the beginning of their argument (over Joe) she believes them to be lesbians and retreats downstairs. She is so horrified by her daughter she can't bring herself to speak with Jules. Mrs. Piston is holding tea at this time. Tea often represents comfort and a sit-down chat, but Mrs.. Piston is so appalled she can't even face her own daughter. Once again, the mother figure can not, or does not want to understand her daughter's perspective. Paula (Mrs.. Piston) attempts to understand football, literally by using food. The scene begins with Alan (Mr..Piston) explaining the rul es of soccer by using various condiments by stacking them around the table like soccer players on a soccer field. When Jules arrives home she notices her mother has read a stack of soccer magazines. Paula says, â€Å"That way, we can all enjoy football as a family. † Mrs.. Piston researches some professional female soccer players, and finds one that is happily married with a baby. This is not the point where she accepts her daughter's career choice, but mainly points it out in an attempt to encourage Jules' to break up her ‘relationship' with Jess.In conclusion, food is a major aspect in Bend It Like Beckman. It links the two cultures in the film together. In the end both mothers accept that their daughters want to become professional soccer players. Jess and Jules both managed to ‘bend' gender rules and the will of their mothers in order to pursue their dreams. This is the meaning of the title, Bend It Like Beckman. When Mrs.. Bahamas finally accepts her daughter 's career choice she finishes off with a quote food related: â€Å"At least I taught her full Indian dinner, the rest is up to God. †